Yoga & Nature Retreat: Springing Forward

With Casey King and Amy Jennings

  • King Room with Ensuite – €760.00
  • Share Twins with Ensuite – €1,350.00
  • King Room with Ensuite – €760.00


Welcome to our “Spring Forward” Yoga & Nature Retreat, a rejuvenating journey designed to awaken your senses, connect with the revitalising energy of spring, and embrace new beginnings. Immerse yourself in the beauty and vitality of nature as we celebrate the season of renewal and growth.
Your transformative experience begins upon arrival, as you’re greeted with warm beverages, including a delightful nettle or dandelion tea. As you step into The Barn, you’ll feel the calming energy of this serene sanctuary, preparing you for an unforgettable weekend ahead.
Settle in and begin your retreat with a grounding Forest Bathing Greeting, followed by an Unfurling Yoga Ceremony. Experience therapeutic back poses, releasing tension and inviting a sense of opening and expansion as we embrace the unfolding energies of spring.
Indulge in a festive Drinks Reception and delectable Dinner, followed by an intimate Fire Ceremony, uniting us under the starry night sky as we welcome the transformative power of this special weekend.
Awaken your senses on Saturday morning with an invigorating Cacao & Yoga Ceremony, setting the tone for a day of exploration and self-discovery. Nourish your body with a scrumptious breakfast before diving into our Nature Connection Workshop, where you’ll learn about the healing power of Detoxing Herbal Remedies.
Savor a wholesome lunch, followed by an afternoon of self-care, choosing between a rejuvenating massage or exploring our tranquil retreat facilities. In the late afternoon, embark on a restorative Breathwork & Mindful Movement session, fostering deep inner connection and balance.
Enjoy a delightful dinner before immersing yourself in a transformative Sensory Experience featuring the enchanting Blue Lotus Tea. This serene evening ritual will leave you feeling deeply relaxed and rejuvenated.
On Sunday, celebrate your personal growth and the renewed energy of spring with our Closing Yoga Ceremony. Nourish your body with fresh-pressed juices, protein balls, and a refreshing banana breakfast, and take time to savor the serenity of our retreat facilities. As you prepare for your journey home, enjoy a farewell Lunchy Brunch, and leave with a Self-Guided Forest Bathing Practice to carry the magic of this weekend into your daily life.
Our “Spring Forward” Yoga & Nature Retreat offers a truly transformative experience, connecting you with the beauty and vitality of spring as you blossom into your most vibrant self.


4.00 Arrivals

4.45 Welcome Greetings in The Barn

17.15 Forest Bathing Greeting

17.45 Opening Yoga Ceremony – Unfurling practice with back therapy yoga poses

19.00 Drinks Reception & Dinner

*alcohol sold separately

20.30 Fire Ceremony


8.30 Cacao & Yoga Ceremony

10.45 Breakfast

11.45 Nature Connection Workshop > Detoxing Herbal Remedies

14.00 Lunch

15.00 Free Time for Facilities or Massage (appointments limited. please book ahead).

17.30 Breathwork & Mindful Movement

19.00 Dinner

20.30 Sensory Experience with Blue Lotus Tea


8.30 Closing Yoga Ceremony

10.15 Energy snacks available  in The Barn + Use of Facilities

11.30 Checkout

11.45 Lunchy Brunch

13.30 Farewell with Self-Guided Forest Bathing Practice

*Itinerary subject to some changes


Casey King
  Casey, a seasoned yoga practitioner with over a decade of teaching experience, believes in the continuous journey of self-improvement. She has honed her expertise in yoga, breathwork, trauma release, chakra healing, and massage. In Casey’s yoga classes, you’ll experience an unhurried and welcoming pace, where poses are sculpted to suit your unique body. Rooted in Forrest Yoga, Casey adds purpose to every posture, offering tailored challenges to align with your intentions. Her classes go beyond sequences, embracing playfulness and light-heartedness, allowing students to explore subtle movements. This fusion of mindful progression, purposeful intention, and personalised adjustments creates a holistic…
Learn more about Casey King
Amy Jennings
  Amy Jennings is a botanist, conservationist and beekeeper with a deep appreciation for plants and nature. A masters in biodiversity conservation allowed Amy to further explore her interest in ethnobotany, which looks at the connection between people and the plant kingdom. This research took her to countries like Afghanistan, Iraq, Jordan, India, Tibet and Tanzania. Amy runs an organic farm, Glendalough Organics, where she practises sustainable growing methods, Amy also runs meditation retreats where she teaches mindfulness techniques that help connect people with the natural environment.
Learn more about Amy Jennings
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