Teachers Page

Virginia Giani

Hi! I am a Hatha, Vinyasa and Yin Yoga Teacher, and Ceremonial Cacao facilitator. I am a space holder and sound practitioner. I am a retreat host and all-things-wellness advocate. I am a creator, a seeker, a lover, a healer, a thinker, and a beautiful mess at times.

My yoga practice began in July 2019 while I was still an anxious Hotel Chef. I fell in love with it and how I felt because of it. In 2021, I graduated as a 200 Yoga Teacer and added 100 hours on in 2023. I am now gratefully enrolled in an intensive advanced 300 hour YTT in Rishikesh, India.

My intention as a Yoga teacher is to be a light and create safe, nurturing, and non-judgemental spaces of deep healing and transformation, physically, emotionally, energetically and spiritually.

Here’s a mantra that I used often in times of need, “I am love. I am light. I am strong.”

OM Shanti shanti shanti

Virginia Giani aka Ginni

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